Mobility programmes could be a great opportunity for SEN students as they could support their needs to better reinforce self-esteem, autonomy, inter-personal, social and many other soft skills that are as important as the technical ones to concretely realize a personal and professional life project. However, current Mobility programmes are not fully adapted to SEN students and VET schools/VET providers and families regularly show their hesitancy as well as their fears when deciding about SEN students’ participation, affecting significantly on their level of participation (less than 1% according to EC Mid-term Erasmus+ Evaluation Report, 2018).Data gathered by P2-Reattiva through follow up, indicators and impact analysis (57 mobility projects coordinated between 2011-19, about 8.000 learners in initial VET sent abroad, 325 of whom SEN students) and by Consortium partners and their networks, clearly show that there is a NEED to provide knowledge and skills to the TARGET GROUP of VET Teaching and Training staff in order to facilitate SEN students’ access to Mobility.
Partnership, who has a wide experience on Mobility and VR applications will reply the above needs by developing an online-based Mobility Tool Box to provide the target group with competences on the use of VR technology as a mean of immersive and interactive learning (at 3D-360°) aimed at promoting and facilitating SEN students’ involvement in Mobility.
IO3 is based on 6 online Learning Sequences corresponding to the 6 main phases of a physical Mobility:
- DiscoverEU Map: how to create a motivating image of mobility and support a SEN student to get orientation and integration in the hosting country;
- e-Portfolio: how to help a SEN student creating, mapping and managing a personal e-profile needed to successfully apply for an internship abroad;
- Mobility Skills Match: how to provide to a SEN student a suitable learning mobility programme based on skills, qualification, experiences and preferences/expectations;
- Mobility Interview: how to support a SEN student preparing the internship interview with the selected hosting company;
- Mobility Awareness: how to help a SEN student becoming aware with the hosting company, proposed tasks and internship goals;
- Mobility implementation: how to monitor, evaluate and follow-up a SEN student involved in a mobility.